Maqaleh v. Gates Amicus Brief

America in Danger: Important Courtroom Battles

Published: 24 September 2009

Dear Mr. Yon:

It is my pleasure to forward to you the attached copy of the amicus curiae brief which we filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on behalf of the Special Operations community on Monday evening.

We believe that this unique brief has the potential to play an important role in the Court of Appeals’ consideration of Maqaleh v. Gates.  We are especially optimistic that the Court will value the insight that only veterans of Special Operations can offer as to the extremely adverse operational consequences that would flow from upholding the District Court’s decision.  Thank you for being an integral part of this effort.

It has been an honor to represent true American heroes in this matter.

Best regards,


Please click here to view the entire brief emailed by David Rivkin.



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United States Constitution Article 1

Article I

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